Adventurous Christians
Company Name: Adventurous Christians
Status: Active
State: Minnesota
Post: 55604-2050
County: Cook
City: Grand Marais
Address: 81 Bow Lake Rd
Phone: (218)388-2286
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Manager: Kathleen Viton
Web site:

SIC code: 703203 Industry group: HOTELS ROOMING HOUSES & CAMPS, Business category: SPORTING & RECREATIONAL CAMPS, Subcategory: CAMPS
Employees: 6
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): USD $ 558,000
Overall: Adventurous Christians is a business categorized under sporting & recreational camps, which is part of the larger category hotels rooming houses & camps. Adventurous Christians is located at the address 81 Bow Lake Rd in Grand Marais, Minnesota 55604-2050. The Manager is Kathleen Viton who can be contacted at (218)388-2286.
- Children's camp
In summary:
- Great place run by excellent people.
- The AC staff are an awesome crew!
- The hosts are outstanding - great hospitality!
Recommended:Click here to Inform about a mistake 25 Rating:
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Click here add new review about: Adventurous Christians (Hotels Rooming Houses, Camps, Motels)
Name: K.
Message: The AC staff are an awesome crew! Whether out on the trail running programs or just hanging out on the campus, the folks here sure know how to have a grand old time.
Name: A.S.
Message: Great place run by excellent people.
Name: P.G.
Message: A place to escape life and get back in touch with God.
Name: M.G.
Message: The hosts are outstanding - great hospitality! Incredible XC ski trails run right through the property.